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The Path of Progression & Initiation

The Path of Progression is an ancient Map to the Greatest Treasure in The World - YOU! The Path creates an opportunity to embark on the journey of self-discovery, knowing ourselves and our purpose in life. 


The Path of Progression are the steps one may choose to take should one wish to pursue growth, healing, empowerment, and to know oneself and therefore others and the universe.

All Mystery Schools agree to achieve enlightenment and self-mastery one must know oneself fully. ​


Walking this sacred path you explore deeper aspects of self, we are tapping into Your Full Potential, and you are reconnecting to Your True Divine Expression. This allows us to transcend the challenges and obstacles in life with more ease and grace. As you let go of the illusion of the lower self, negative ego, limitations and survival mechanisms, you tap into your strength, empowerment and inner wisdom.


When we live in alignment with our life's true purpose we experience a deep sense of inner peace,  joy and true freedom and live our lives every day with pure joy, true freedom, inner peace and abundance. 

In the Modern Mystery School tradition, to Know Thyself is not solely the inward journey of self-realization and empowerment. It is most importantly the outward expression of love and service, compassion and empowerment. 


If you are called to help others, know that your healing, each step you take toward your own enlightenment can heal the world. Your transformation can cause a ripple of great change in the world around you. 


“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ― Buddha

Where do I begin?

The one-on-one session that connects you to your Light and Purpose.


In mystery school tradition, Life Activation is the first step on our healing journey to a better, more fulfilled, and balanced life.


Life Activation restores and balances our whole energy system and turns on our Greater Potential, it activates our physical and spiritual DNA. 


There are follow-up sessions, such as the Full Spirit Activation, that will further empower and inspire your being.    

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Life Activation


The path of initiation.

After Life Activation, you may feel ready to take the next step into Knowing Thyself fully with initiation.


Empower Thyself Program and Initiation is the first step on the path of initiation in Mystery School Tradition. Initiation is a holy ceremony, that anchors a Light in your energy body and accelerates your healing and progression.


It is a new beginning that welcomes a new level of awareness, power and understanding.​ 

Where do I begin my journey of initiation?  

1st Step - Empower Thyself class

Live an empowered life. Here you receive life-changing, foundational teachings of the Mystery School Tradition. 


During this 2-day program, you receive tools that directly apply to your life and train you to achieve greater self-mastery, abundance, and manifestation in life. We’ll explore a deeper understanding of our mind and negative ego, bringing better awareness to our intuition.


This Empower Thyself Program & Initiation helps us to dive into a journey to Know Thyself as a spiritual being, beyond the physical body.

2nd Step - Healers Academy 

Become a Healer - heal yourself and help others to heal too. When you’ve received the Light, it is natural to want to share it with others.


Here you learn how to work with your spiritual senses, this allows you to further purify and expand your awareness and perception of self and the world around you. During the 5-day Program, you will go through tremendous healing of yourself while being embraced in the highest healing energy - Agape LOVE. 


As you heal at the core of your being, you ​learn how to administer the Life Activation and Full Energy Balancing Session, Aura Healing alongside mastering the art of guiding the transformative Max Meditation System. 


After the Second Step Initiation, the deeper hermetic teachings become available to you, should you wish to expand your knowledge and understanding. 

3rd Step - Become a Ritual Master

Become a Ritual Master by overcoming the negative ego. 


At this level, you begin your training as a warrior of light, to sharpen the arts of discernment, protection and magick that will help overcome negative ego and create a better life. 


The Ritual Master path is considered one of the most difficult paths to walk as it requires commitment, discipline and the humility needed to overcome ego.

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Sat on the Rocks

Are you ready to take the first step? 

Take the first step to Know Thyself, start exploring your true self and tap into your Full Potential.

You are welcome to join our classes

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