The Modern Mystery School Lineage.
The Modern Mystery School is not a new mystery school. It is an ancient mystery school for modern life teachings. Our Lineage is over 3000 years old as far as records reveal, but it reaches back over 8000 years, to the roots of Hermetic Wisdom. Written records can be traced to King David, the father of King Salomon (3020). The lineage reaches back to Enoch, then Abraham, and Adam.

Lineage is a key, a determining factor which holds the power, integrity, and authority of an authentic Mystery School. An unbroken lineage, protected for thousands of years, sharing knowledge from teacher to student, holding the secrets and the truth of God, The Universe, and the Keys to true spiritual power since the dawn of time. The lineage remains unpolluted and pure to this day.
The Modern Mystery School has persisted through time using the ancient tradition of sharing knowledge verbally from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation. The strength of the lineage and the method of direct information transfer has preserved the virtue and honour of the mystery school tradition. This wisdom and power are available to all who truly seek it and who are willing to honour its sacred nature by walking the Path of Initiation.​
The Modern Mystery School has persisted through time using the ancient tradition of sharing knowledge verbally from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation. The strength of the lineage and the method of direct information transfer has preserved the virtue and honour of the mystery school tradition. This wisdom and power are available to all who truly seek it and who are willing to honour its sacred nature by walking the Path of Initiation.​
Initiation combined with the unbroken lineage empowers the Adept to engage in the Great Work: creating a better world (for themselves and others), living according to their true potential and life purpose. The great masters have all walked the path of initiation in the mystery school tradition, which led them to fulfil their promise to God while being here on this earth. They expressed greatness in their lives and helped humanity in many ways.
The Importance of Lineage in Mystery Schools
Ancient mystery schools have always prioritised lineage, valuing the preservation of sacred knowledge, wisdom, and the keys to true spiritual power. The lineage ensures the integrity and purity of the teachings, protecting them from pollution and dilution.
​It ensures the purity, authenticity and power of teachings.
It maintains the honour and virtue of ancient wisdom.
It holds the secrets of God, the Universe, and true spiritual power to Self-Mastery.
The Lineage Holders Today - The Third Order

The Third Order are the three key holders who anchor the lineage on Earth, maintaining the purity and authenticity of the teachings. These key holders ensure the doors of the Mystery School remain open to those seeking enlightenment and to Know Thyself.​
All lineages have main key holders, individuals who hold all keys for human progression. The Third Order anchor the lineage on Earth, maintaining the purity and authenticity of the teachings. ​
Hierophant, Sovereign Ipsissimus Gudni Gudnason
Often referred to as “Founder Gudni,” is a master metaphorical teacher who imparts metaphysical and esoteric principles using analogy, allegory, and parable. He and his wife Ipsissima Eiko Gudnason are based in the Eastern MMS HQ in Japan.
Founder Gudni, through humour, and fantastical tales, shares his hidden wisdom, knowledge, methods, and tools. He uses these methods to allow students to explore their own insights and test the clarity of their discernment. The student is meant to discern a deeper meaning in the stories to question their own preconceived notions and beliefs.
He reminds all students that they are their own best teachers, but only through discernment and considering alternative perspectives can one come to know what they truly know.​

Through his teachings, he inspires thousands of individuals to awaken to the possibility of World Peace and a grander vision of life, greater than mediocrity. He will always promote living a life of pure magick and mysticism, embracing the royalty of the divine self within, and, above all, finding JOY in life by coming to Know Thyself. ​
“You are an eternal being. You have never been born; therefore, you can never die.”
~ Sovereign Ipsissimus Gudni Gudnason
Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon and his wife Ipsissima Franca Lanyon are based in Canada at MMS HQ in Toronto.
As a lineage holder for the Modern Mystery School in the tradition of King Salomon, he specialises in presenting Hermetic and Esoteric wisdom in practical and actionable ways. He supports his students with his big heart and love, yet as a true Warrior of Light he invites his students to look deeply inside to overcome any shadow, weaknesses or smallness, so they can truly step into their full potential and live a life of JOY. He is the Ritual Master Teacher and true Warrior of Light. Having been activated in the Great Pyramid of Giza, he is initiated as a Knight Templar and leads the worldwide Order of the Warriors of Light. He is a High Priest of Egyptian Magick, a Master of Enochian Magick and a specialist of Viking, Celtic, and Egyptian Shamanism and much more.​
He is also the author of two books Essential Principles for the Warrior of Light and You Are Not Perfect The Way You Are.
Books filled with hermetic wisdom and tips on how to live a better life.

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
“Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, positive, and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognise the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion, and our goal is Joy.”
~ Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome
Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome and his wife Ipsissima Luisa Nakagome are based in Japan, in the Eastern MMS.
He comes from a pure Japanese Bushi or Samurai family accessing that amazing power in his work within the Modern Mystery School. When teaching he does so with humour and fun helping the students relax and enjoy their study.
He is Initiated as a Priest of Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhism, Viking Shaman, Celtic Shaman, Knight Templar and Egyptian Shaman, to list a few of his achievements.
As a master healer and head instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute, he brings to people an awareness of the beauty and good within themselves in order to inspire the deepest healing and empowerment they can achieve.

“It is easy to be calm when you are meditating. It is easy to visualize when you meditate sitting still. It is easy to think positive while in a temple. Can you be calm, positive and have clear vision while you are moving through life? The universal life force has to be controlled both inside and outside of you; with this you can have full control over your inner and outer universe.”
~ Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome
The Council of the 12 Women and the 7 Ipsissimi
Each member brings their own distinct spiritual gifts and leadership qualities, contributing to the continued growth and empowerment of the Modern Mystery School and its community.
​The Council of 12 represents the divine feminine energy within the lineage, embodying the essence of 12 powerful goddesses. These esteemed women, all high-level initiates from around the globe, serve as priestesses and hold unique keys to magick. The Council plays a pivotal leadership role within the Modern Mystery School, guiding and influencing various aspects of the school’s direction and teachings.
The Council of 12 Women
Divina Dr. Kate Bartram-Brown
Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon
Divina Dr. Ann Donnelly
Divina Liza Rossi
Ipsissima Divina Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke
Divina Dr. Rita Van den Berg
Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason
Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome
Ipsissima Divina Maki Otani
Ipsissima Divina Azusa Yoda
Divina Suzoko Kitamura
Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura

Western World Council Members (picture on the left)
Eastern World Council Members
The 7 Ipsissimi
​​In May 2023, seven members of the Council were elevated to the esteemed rank of Ipsissima, further strengthening their leadership and influence. This initiation acknowledges their profound wisdom and commitment to the lineage.

From Left to Right: Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura (Ensofic Ray), Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome (Shamanism), Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason (Royal Way), Ipsissima Divina Dr Theresa Bullard-Whyke (Kabbalah), Ipsissima Azusa Yoda (Grand Oracle), Ipsissima Sandra Reed (Honorary),
Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon (Alchemy)