Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems
Over 3000 years ago, King Solomon gathered Healers, Warriors, Shamans, and Medicine People from around the world. His life mission was to create a path of progression for humanity so we can reach our full potential and create Peace on Earth.
The range of ancient approaches in energy healing and cleansing sessions addresses the modern problems that arise in our lives - mental, emotional, and physical. Scroll down to learn how to release the negative cords and ties, and clean your aura, mental and emotional energy body. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to discuss your needs further.
Release the negative cords and ties
Whenever we experience a situation in which we have an emotional response, a cord can form.
These cords are energetic links between you and another person or situation; they allow your energy to flow from you to someone or something else.
Although some cords with others are appropriate and beneficial, most of the cords we have are unhealthy and make our energy leak into past unhealthy situations, relationships and experiences causing emotional distress and hindering personal growth.

Negative Emotion Cord Cutting

Painful Experiences and Cords
The negative mental and emotional cords can form when we have traumatic or painful events, or when we experience heartbreak or mistreatment, we feel a sense of betrayal, shame, guilt, jealousy, blame, anger or even depression.
Sexual Intimacy and Cords
When a person engages in sexual intimacy, that act creates an energetic cord. Sexual intercourse, even a deep kiss, creates a cord between two people that lasts for seven years. During that time, the energy keeps flowing between them, even though they may no longer be intimate or even in each other’s lives.
Is something or someone pulling on your energy?
Do you feel drained, off-centred, emotional, triggered and tired?
Do you ever find yourself losing energy to the memory of past relationships, insults, injustices or hurts?
Does the mention of someone knock you off-centre into, painful memories, anger, resentment or jealousy?
Would you like to find more peace in your heart and more energy, so you can directed towards more joy in your life?
As we go through life and wish to progress, we must let go of what no longer serves us. When we let go, we create space. This new space creates potential and possibility, for a better life, more loving relationships, and a more joyful life.
This session can be only done by a highly skilled Ritual Master in the lineage of King Salomon.
To cut the cords Ritual Master uses a Tibetan Holy Tool called Purbah.
A person who tried for a long time on Path of Progression to be able to support others in this way.
After this session, your energy begins to return to you, so can redirect it to what you desire to create in life.
Negative Emotion Cord Cutting Session can be combined with any healing. It creates space for the light to enter our being and receive healing on a deeper level. This 1hour session includes consultation, spell removal, cord cutting, purification by light and personal life blessing
Investment: £150
Maintenance Cord Cutting: £100 (*When booked with another session £75)

£200 (80min session)
Isis was the Grand Queen of Egypt. She was a powerful high priestess in the Order of Ra, the Sun God and Creator. She used High Magick on an everyday basis and did healing work three days a week for the general public. Her philosophy was to create abundance for the whole society by keeping the people healthy and happy. This proved to be correct!
Isis realised that, while the people ate food, drank water, meditated, and performed other tasks to gather energy, they still were tired and slept for long periods. Isis and her staff of the Temple of Isis slept only three to four hours per day and worked with great vitality. She wondered why there was this difference in abilities, and consulted with the God Osiris, who advised her that Nut, the Great Mother of All Creation, would help her. So Isis went to Nut who gave her this method of realigning the energies back to the brain region to create a happier and more vital being. This method swept over Egypt like a storm and many people came to her for this healing.
Using the energies of Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut, this modality will bring forth death and rebirth within your emotional body, making it possible for you to embrace the next step in your evolution of consciousness.
As a result of this realignment, people often experience:
more available energy
more usage of the brain's capacity
more vitality for everyday life
People are usually left with a definite sensation of energy surging through the physical body. Some feel a significant difference in their mental state and in their ability to perceive the world around them. Often women are reported to look more beautiful!
Archangel Micheal Healing Inner Stellar Light Tube
£200 (90min session)
This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube.
This interstellar experience allows you to access the origin of creational energy. Archangel Michael is the master architect of the labyrinth of the soul, and by entering his Light Tube, you will be commencing a process of re-creation into the highest form for yourself.

Shamanic Aura Clearing
£180 (60min session)
Shamanic aura clearing builds on the same approaches as aura healing but takes specific shamanic approaches for a much more nuanced result.
By gently clearing your aura of unwanted energy and blockages, this session leaves you feeling revitalised and cleansed. The power to perform this session comes from the natural energies of the Sutra of the Heart, which have been used by skilled shamans for generations. It is a great session to do in conjunction with an aura healing session but is just as effective by itself. It is a wonderful option when you feel overly emotional, or when there is an unsettling energetic presence in your structure.
Egyptian Aura Healing
£180 (90min session)
The Aura contains 7 layers that make us human and able to function as human beings. For most people, these layers are often filled with a lot of disorganised "clutter", memories, attachments, pain and damage from the past. This old "junk" interferes with present-time functioning, happiness, intimacy, and success. We want to cleanse these layers of the aura so we have an optimal experience of life and can create what we desire in alignment with the Will of God.
In this ceremony, the Egyptian archetypal essences support you in structuring the layers of your Aura to create the right internal environment for specific success in any chosen area of your life!
During this healing, each layer of the aura is worked on one at a time, and re-organized with sacred geometry and the assistance of a particular God/Goddess (archetype) which supports the function of that layer.
Your energy field is re-shaped to contain the new reality of your choosing.
This is an incredible technique for aligning the body, mind, and soul to create what you truly desire.

Etheric Reconstruction

£333 (1h 30min session)
One-to-one session to release core issues which is provided after work has been done through life activation, initiation and other recommendations.
We are all composed of many complex energy bodies, systems, and structures. One such system is called the etheric body. As human beings living in a world of many different energies, we get very polluted and confused. The main problem is that we lose connection with divinity and to the Celestial Kingdom. Etheric Reconstruction is needed to restore our connection to the divine and allow us to be in harmony with celestial powers.
To provide this service, the practitioner is entering the Holiest of the Holiest in a person's energy field. It is such a privilege to be allowed to do this work as it restores the individual’s sacred divine nature and connection to God. It is considered one of the highest services to provide for another human.
Aura Healing
£130 (60min session)
Aura healing provides careful and conscious repair to the energetic structure of your aura through scanning and sealing. Our auras form our first line of defence. They provide us with protection from harmful energies around us but can be damaged through unhealthy living, drugs or alcohol, and mental, emotional or physical trauma.
When our auras are damaged we are more sensitive to the energies around us. We become overly affected by the energies of others, are more vulnerable and suffer a general loss of energy levels.
In the session, your aura will be scanned for damages and openings, which will then be sealed. As a result, you’ll find it easier to sustain your energy levels and to set healthier boundaries where needed in your life.

Frequently asked questions
What is the best form of energy healing?There are various healing types and sessions you can take to better understand and heal yourself. It depends on what you need at the time you seek enlightenment and help. From Reiki healing to life activation and crystal healing, it really depends on your situation at the time and the help you need. Find balance in your life once again by getting in touch with me. I'll guide you to the most appropriate healing session or practitioner available.
What do spiritual healers do?Spiritual healers act as a channel through which the Light flows through. Their mission in life is to help people like you find their true purpose, find harmony within themselves and live their full potential. The spiritual healing energy helps: Remove energetic blockages and cleanse your energy Balance your energy body so you can have more clarity and harmony Restore the connection betwee your body, mind, soul and spirt Help heal trauma, anxiety, depression and disease Help you reach your full potential Help you shift and transform your limitations and help you truly Know Thyself
How do I cleanse my energy and aura?It's important that we protect and cleanse our aura frequently. This is because our auras is 30 meters wide, meaning that we can easily be within someone else's aura and frequency. When our protective layers are not strong enough, we get emotionally affected. Haven't you ever felt stressed after someone has been stressed in the same room as you? There are some simple steps you could take to cleanse your aura and protect your energy: chi do sage your space salt bath Empower Thyself Tools will help you strengthen and keep your aura clean use crystal grid to protect your space (sacred geometry 2) sacred geometry 1 that will seal your space from interference. Cleansing and healing your energy can also be done with the help of a practitioner. * Shamanic Aura Clensing * Egyption Aura Healing * Aura Healing - sealing Get in touch with me today for a free consultation.