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Learn more to expand into Your Greatness and Mysteries of Univers 

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Journeys of The Spirit 


During this one-day class, you will learn tools to assist you at every step along your progression. Our relationship with Spirit is significant; when we build a deeper connection, we can be guided to live a better and more fulfilled life. 

Journeys of The Spirt will help you:
- Learn ancient ways of contacting with your Higher Self.

- Deepen your understanding of yourself - as an eternal, spiritual being
- Receive knowledge and healing from spiritual dimensions.
- Gain tools to strengthen and expand your psychic abilities.
- Connect to your divine purpose(s) on Earth
- Meet Your Spirit or Power Animal that will help you in life
- Ascend to higher spiritual dimensions, explore the hidden realms of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire!
- Balance your inner Masculine and Feminine


Those healing and empowering tools will help you further expand your perception and intuition. Receive inspiration from the Divine with greater clarity and accuracy!

Build a safe, trusted connection with your Higher Self so you can begin to receive guidance that is for your highest good.

Magickal Beings of The World 

In the last few decades, we can see in some of the most popular Books, TV series, & Movies, a re-emergence of the magickal beings known as the Elves, Fairies, Mermaids, Gypsies, Dwarves and many others!

Humans once lived in harmony with these magickal beings until it was necessary for them to hide for their survival. Now, the time has come again to reveal and share this sacred knowledge of Magickal Beings of the Elemental Kingdom.

In this half-day class, you will learn about 12 magickal beings of earth, their purpose, wisdom and power with those who are worthy.

We will explore who the other races are, how these elemental beings assist humanity, and what is their purpose in our evolution.

This class is open to the public and it is a prerequisite for Healers Academy.


Spiritual Intuition

Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience. There are many names to describe this quality we simply call Spiritual Intuition. Everyone has an intuition, but the degree to which it is used varies from person to person. Intuition is often defined as ‘knowing’, without any rational processes. 

Everyone has this innate ability and you are using it more often than you realise! 

In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and build your psychic awareness and sensitivity in a safe and comfortable way. You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practise every day to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition every day. Spiritual Intuition can help us experience life more fully. 

Awaken Thyself

Discover the secrets and tools of the Mystery School tradition in this introductory workshop designed for those who are curious about the paths of ancient wisdom. 

Now is the time to discover if you are ready for the next step on the accelerated path to your own empowerment and self-knowledge. As initiates of the Modern Mystery School within the lineage of King Salomon, we will pass on these teachings to you from teacher to student, in the tradition of the ages.

In this class, you will learn about the seven Mystery Schools on the planet and you will take away these valuable tools to use in your own life:

• A shamanic technique for connecting with your higher self
• The value of meditation
• Ancient rituals for protection
• How to create a sacred circle
• How to call down energies for use in daily life.

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The 7 Mystery Schools

In this informative evening class, you will learn about the 7 mystery schools of the planet. For thousands of years these schools have remained quiet, and have often become part of legend and story throughout history. Often associated with the occult, there has always been a great deal of mystery surrounding these schools and their practices.

Yet in all of these old stories, the people who studied or are associated with these schools have been said to have been extraordinary people, displaying a variety of different talents. Many who we have read about in our history books, and have left their mark on the planet. For years these schools have been closed to the public. The teachings only offered to royalty and the extremely gifted, but humanity’s consciousness has been shifting to new heights and now all are ready to receive this information and teachings.

You will discover things like their location, each one’s different purpose and how they collectively come together for a greater purpose. Their correlation to the body, and much more. This class offers a more in-depth look at these and the information and mystery contained within them.

Sanctuary Meditation

During this class, you will learn an ancient technique to connect with your Higher Self and how to do it safely and effortlessly. Relax and rejuvenate in a sacred space. 

Here you will receive answers to your questions and guidance from within. This will build a foundation for all and any spiritual practice. Come and discover your Sanctuary, the place to cultivate your power & intuition.

Join this fascinating meditation session as handed down by the Mystery School tradition for thousands of years. You will learn to access and work with your higher self from whom you can regularly obtain answers to simple, everyday questions, guidance, as well as assistance with life’s challenges and difficult decisions. This is an important tool to master as it allows you to steer your own ship and become a master of your own destiny!

No meditation experience is required!


You are welcome to join our classes

  • 30 Mar 2025, 18:30 – 20:30
    London, 95 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    During this class, you will learn an ancient technique to connect with your Higher Self and how to do it safely and effortlessly. Relax and rejuvenate in a sacred space. ​
  • Multiple Dates
    Wed, 16 Apr
    16 Apr 2025, 19:00 – 22:00
    London, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    Learn the language of Divine and Universe. Awaken 3 Keys to Heaven and amplify your power to manifest!
  • Multiple Dates
    Sat, 19 Apr
    19 Apr 2025, 10:00 – 20 Apr 2025, 18:00
    London, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    Connect with Timeless Hermetic Wisdom Immerse yourself in ancient teachings that resonate with your essence, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and illumination by taking the Empower Thyself Program & Initiation. This is the first step toward the ancient tenet of Know Thyself.
  • Multiple Dates
    Mon, 21 Apr
    21 Apr 2025, 10:00 – 18:00
    London, 95 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    In Sacred Geometry 2, you will receive simple yet powerful healing modalities for utilizing crystals to heal past and new wounds. These methods will support you in living a more empowered life and also will aid you in manifesting your desires and generally strengthen your energetic framework.
  • 02 Jun 2025, 10:00 – 06 Jun 2025, 18:00
    London, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    This five-day immersive class on July 2nd through 6th in London, England unveils the hidden keys of Hermetic wisdom, offering deep initiatory teachings, practical tools for self-mastery, and direct transmission from Dave Lanyon,world-renowned Hermetic master teacher.
  • Mon, 23 Jun
    The Columbia, Office 115
    23 Jun 2025, 10:00 – 19:00
    The Columbia, Office 115, 95 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    During this one-day class, you will learn tools to assist you at every step along your progression. Our relationship with Spirit is significant; when we build a deeper connection, we can be guided to live a better and more fulfilled life. 
  • Mon, 23 Jun
    23 Jun 2025, 14:00 – 18:00
    London, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    Astral Travel is understood as the art or science of moving beyond the physical body to gather insights. Whether you believe you have experienced astral travel before or are eager to delve into the vastness of the universe and uncover its secrets.
  • Mon, 23 Jun
    23 Jun 2025, 14:00 – 17:30
    London, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, UK
    Astral Travel is understood as the art or science of moving beyond the physical body to gather insights. Whether you believe you have experienced astral travel before or are eager to delve into the vastness of the universe and uncover its secrets.
Sat on the Rocks

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